Full Year Guided Quest


I (fortunately or unfortunately, however you want to look at it) have long wait times, but this new offering guarantees you a session each season (4 sessions a year) - allows us to explore your chart more fully and saves you $$$ in the process...

4 traditional sessions = $650
Full year guided journey = $499

saving YOU $150 AND your spot in my books each season :)

This astrological quest kick starts during whatever season you order (spring, summer, fall, winter- it doesn't matter when you start, for the circle might spark to life in spring but it truly has no beginning) the sessions continue on (a session a season) for a full trip around the wheel of the year...

We will focus on the archetypal undertones of the season ahead, the transits & activations and then meet each season to catch up (compare notes) and discuss the next leg of the quest ...

[PDF transit report included with each session + additional resources]

Scheduling: Depending on when you order I will either reach out to schedule for the current season or the upcoming one, whichever feels best. You will then receive an email a week before your session to schedule the day and time of our 1:1 reading via ZOOM – which will be saved as a PRIVATE YouTube Link for you to reference back to whenever you feel called. (Current wait time is anywhere from 1-3 months- but this package guarantees you a spot every 3 months - 4 sessions a year)

*** ATTENTION: Please write in the BOX AT CHECK OUT your Day/Time & Location of birth out in full (i.e. March 21, 1987) in addition to whether this will be a first-time session or if you are a returning client – for the protocol will be different.

**** PS: keep an EYE out for the box, as it’s easy to miss (and people always do, just email me if this happens to you)

(Don't know your time of birth? Timeless option is available but less accurate when it comes to the Moon, house and angle placements)